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This Website is to help and Educate Iranian and Foreign Users AVACS

What is Business Life

This game is a new turn in multiplayer games. Comparing to other multiplayer games designed for J2ME-phones, this game enables you much more than playing "face-to-face". In "AVACS Business Life" you will lead your own company to the heights of richness among other counterparts. So, now you start playing "face-to-all" mode!


The main aim of this game is to become the richest company among all competitors. The main objects in the game are:

  • Stock exchange - here you can buy economic resources or take a look at changes in price for them.
  • Property. All of your property: economic resources (you can sell them from here), house, car, food, etc...
  • Bank. Here you can take an unlimited number of credits or put money on deposit. Remember if you fail to return money before final date of credit - the game will do it automatically (the same is with deposit)
  • Shop. It is like "Stock exchange", but here you can buy food, clothes, exchange your car, house, etc.
  • Relaxation. Just as real businesspeople, you need to take care of your health and mood levels. So, here you can restore your health and relax. You can play at casino (to win or to waste some money)


  • Community. This is the place where you can chat with other players, look at "Top 10" rating, and send messages to company's owners.

Here are some screenshots:


At the right upper corner of the screen you can see five columns. These are the levels of: food (green), clothes (orange), gas (light blue), health (red), and mood (lilac). Each month you eat 1 pack of food and wear 1 pack of clothes. Gas is needed to heat your house (the amount of gas depends on its size). Also you must sometimes watch the levels of health and mood (to increase them you must eat the best food, wear the best clothes, have a better car, or just go to "Relaxation" or to go on a yacht voyage. When one of those columns comes down, your main screen becomes yellow.




All mentioned above is only a common description of the game, but the game's world is saturated with surprises and strokes of fate.

Good luck with playing AVACS Business Life!

Created with Nick: MB.Galaxy.0632 User ID: 1678503. All rights of this website and its contents belong to the AVACS Live Chat is صفحه قبل 1 صفحه بعد

AVACS Live Chat